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Learning for Life

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Parent Support

Parents and carers are informed of the variety of specific support available to their child/children through the annual review process. We also share more general information and opportunities through Class Dojo and direct phone calls to targeted students.  


From year 9, as part of the Annual Review Process, the Islington Key Worker (who has Level 6 qualification is available) will also attend Annual Review meetings at least once before Year 11 and once before the pupils transition out of school.  


Information about Islington's Preparation for Adulthood Team can be found here PFA Team


Parents and carers are actively encouraged to attend the school’s College and Next Steps Fair and join in the careers week activities/workshops to further their knowledge of organisations locally. 


Information can be found on Islington's local offer here Islington Local Offer


There are also a range of local support services that can help with steps towards independence, careers and preparation for adulthood.


(Click the logo below to go to their website)