The School Day
School Opening Hours
Samuel Rhodes School is open:
Monday: 8:45am until 3:10pm
Tuesday: 8:45am until 3:10pm
Wednesday: 8:45am until 2:10pm
Thursday: 8:45am until 3:10pm
Friday: 8:45am until 3:10pm
The School Day
First thing, every morning our students are greeted by familiar staff at the main door. This allows us to give everyone a good start and identify anyone that may need some additional support to start the day in a positive way.
Students are then taken to their form rooms where they choose breakfast and over time develop their independence in making it themselves. The class then begin their morning routine which is focused on their emotional regulation and communication skills. We use zones of regulation to support students in identifying their feelings and the strategies they can use to ensure they are ready to learn. This is a good opportunity for students to share their thoughts and develop their communication with their peers. This is also an opportunity for the class to review their timetable for the day and ensure any changes are clearly communicated to reduce anxiety.
Once the morning routines are completed, it is time to move on to the learning for the day. We offer a broad curriculum which is adapted to the needs of the students. The first learning of the day is usually Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) or Life Skills. These lessons develop our students’ wider skills and understanding including; personal hygiene, relationships and sex education, online safety, rights and responsibilities etc.
Most days students will also have RWI (a phonics-based learning programme) which is delivered in targeted small groups to ensure the students are learning at their level and given the appropriate support to make progress in their reading and understanding of letter sounds in their writing.
Breaktimes and lunchtimes are staggered for our KS3 students and KS4 and KS5 students. This allows our students to make the most of our outside space and ensure that there are adults available to support cooperative play, communication, and engagement. We offer a range of activities at breaktimes for all students including sports such as basketball and football, music and dance and offer a quieter space in the library for students who prefer this.
The rest of the day is taken up with learning in lessons (see subjects covered on the secondary page) Every class has dedicated time to read each week. Each class has a reading area with a range of books and reading materials for the students to choose from. There is also opportunity to read to adults and discuss what they have read. This is supported by our reading records that are sent home with appropriate books for reading at home.
Lunchtime is also staggered for our students, and we go through to the canteen at Highbury Grove (When their students are not present) and collect our lunches. There are several options available, and they are regularly updated about any allergies or dietary needs. Our students then eat in the canteen or in a smaller, quieter space nearby if that is what would be most effective. SRS Staff are always available to support the students in the canteen and on transition back to our outdoor spaces.
During the day, students may be taken out of class for intervention by one of our skilled adults to support their academic, social/emotional needs, speech and language needs or physical needs. The adult will work with the students on either a 1:1 basis or with a small group to develop specific skills. In the case of physical therapy or speech therapy this will be delivered under guidance of the health team. The health team also deliver some individual or class sessions where there has been an identified priority need and they are regularly available to give staff advice.
At the end of the day, the students are escorted to their transport home or to their adult at the pedestrian gate. Staff ensure students are in the correct place and provide a handover to the appropriate adult where necessary.