Work Experience
Year 11 students explore the world of work through individual or group placements. The school is now flexible as to when this takes place but often it occurs in the Autumn term. This is usually a block of 2 weeks or one day a week for half a term for a group placement. The school aims to match the student’s interests with their chosen placement and includes a range of sectors such as charity shops, departments in Islington Council, sports centre’s, farms and museums.
During the placement the students are visited by members of SRS staff and complete a work placement diary. We encourage as much independence and aim for our students to travel to and from the placement independently or supported by family members.
Feedback from employers is always excellent, praising their commitment and enthusiasm as well as their professionalism in the workplace. We hold a celebratory school assembly for student’s parents/ carers and employers to congratulate each of them. Each year they build on our reputation of sending out fantastic ambassadors for our school.
In our sixth form we build on past work experience to offer extended one day a week placements which are rolled out throughout the academic year.
This may be additional experience in their previous selected choice or widen their opportunities in new sectors. These may include Sports and leisure, Hospitality, Working with children, Horticulture and Retail.
Running alongside this, we work with businesses such as Credit Suisse and Euromonitor to offer mentoring. This has taken place in their offices, and virtually. The students benefit from establishing positive professional relationships and learning about the world of work.