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Premiums information

PE & Sports Grant Statement July 2023


April 2022 – March 2023 - allocated: £16,260


Intervention and Description


Paid by Sports Grant

Greenhouse Sports Coach teaching PE lessons, Duke of Edinburgh programme and  extra-curricular sporting opportunities

Pupils show awareness of healthy life style choices and observational data demonstrates these opportunities effectively support pupil wellbeing




Due to GDPR we cannot show the actual cost which is higher than the amount paid by PE & Sports Grant.


April 2023 – March 2024 Sports Grant allocated:£16,180

Planned spend and measurement of impact will be as above due to outstanding impact.



Samuel Rhodes pupils make expected or better than expected progress by every measure of outcome which was validated in the last OFSTED inspection and annual Challenge Partners quality assurance review (There are no statistically underperforming groups). All pupils have EHCP’s and many have multiple disadvantages which mean they have many barriers to learning. The pupil premium is used across the school to reduce inequity and enable all pupils to reach their potential.

April 2022 – March 2023 - Pupil Premium funding allocated: £85,310


Groups targeted:

Pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) (72%)               Looked After Children (LAC) (4%)


Intervention and Description


Paid by Pupil Premium

Pastoral Support Manager

Improved attendance and 100% parental engagement



Interventions Lead providing Holistic and behavioural interventions, friendship groups, residential trips and gardening projects

Pupils resilience observed to be developing.  Emotional regulation data shows pupils progressing towards independence




Additional support from CAHMS clinician for directed pupil support and staff supervision and CPD

Behavioural data shows individualised SEMH support is effective and meets the specific needs of the cohort




Greenhouse Sports Coach teaching PE lessons, Duke of Edinburgh programme and  extra-curricular sporting opportunities

Pupils show awareness of healthy life style choices and observational data demonstrates these opportunities effectively support pupil wellbeing




Free Breakfast Club for all pupils both sites.

Improved behaviour and pupils access important opportunities for socialisation and support life skills development




Total Spend on planned interventions:




Due to GDPR we cannot show the actual cost which are higher than the amount paid by Pupil Premium.


April 2023 – March 2024 Pupil Premium funding allocated: £83,925

Planned spend and measurement of impact will be as above due to outstanding impact. Main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school remain the same as current statement. 


Next Review Date of pupil premium strategy January 2024.


COVID Catch Up Statement July 2023


April 2022 – March 2023 - allocated:      £36,924

Intervention and Description


Paid by  COVID Catch Up

Teaching Assistant leading on Literacy and Numeracy Interventions for a focused group of pupils across all Key Stages whose attainment has been identified as specifically impacted by the pandemic

87.5% pupils who accessed this intervention made expected or better than expected progress.  Observational data evidenced that these pupils’ self-confidence & wellbeing was also supported by this programme.



Due to GDPR we cannot show the actual cost which is higher than the amount paid by COVID Catch Up Grant


April 2022 – March 2023 - allocated: £40,150

Planned spend and measurement of impact will be as above due to outstanding impact

Financial Benchmarking

We use the DfE benchmarking website to compare our data against that of other similar schools.  You can use this link to access this information.


We have one member of staff earning a gross salary in excess of £100,000.