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School holiday programmes

Holiday programme.


Holiday schemes are not available at Samuel Rhodes School for 2024.

Transition programme


Sadly, this year due to COVID we were not able run our successful 7-week Transition Programme as normal.

This year we ran a virtual Transition Programme, where all pupils transitioning to Samuel Rhodes Secondary had 6 virtual 1 hour lessons 10am-11am, with different Secondary Teachers. This gave the children & teacher’s the chance to get to know each other as well as getting to see some classrooms. 

The lessons that the children took part in:
•    Science
•    Maths
•    Food Technology
•    ICT
•    English
•    PE


We also organised a Transition week in August, for all Year 7 children transferring to Samuel Rhodes Secondary. This gives the children & their Parents/Carers the chance to come to Samuel Rhodes Secondary school, during the summer holidays to take part in team building exercises, meet other pupils & parents who are transferring to Samuel Rhodes Secondary in the new academic year. We stayed in our own bubbles and only mixed when we went outside.


We did our Year 7 Parents/Carers meetings virtually this year for all Year 7 parents, which gave parents the chance to meet other parents, ask questions or raise any concerns or worries they might have about their child transferring to secondary school.


This programme is sponsored by the DfE summer scheme funding.

Summer School Transition Week Funding Breakdown


These schemes are run at no cost to the participants.


Area of expenditure                                                    

Amount spent                                         







Total Spend:                                                                 
